Anna (?)

F, d. 23 December 1726
     Anna was born. Anna married Jeremiah Vail II, son of Jeremiah Vail and Catharine (?). Jeremiah & Anna had children: Thomas [ -8/05/1741][m. Elizabeth Constable [ -3/19/1741], Jeremiah, Mary [m. John Goldsmith [2/17/1680/81-3/01/1725, & Martha [m. 1707 Capt. Ephraim Horton [__-1/09/1733]. 1698, Jeremiah and Anna and her husband, [ROF:Southold Town] werelisted on the Southold Town Census. Enumerated in this household were Jeremiah Vealel, Anne, Thomas, Jeremiah Junjr.,& Mary.1 Anna's husband, Jeremiah, died on 28 November 1726 in the Town of Southold leaving her a widow.2 Anna departed this life on Monday, 23 December 1726 in the Town of Southold.


Jeremiah Vail II b. b 30 Dec 1649, d. 28 Nov 1726


  1. [S187] Indexed by Rosanne Conway Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan, Lists of Inhabitants of Colonial New York: Excerpted from the Documentary History of the State of New York, page 51 - Southold Town Census.
  2. [S2257] Edward Doubleday Harris, Ancient Burial-Grounds of Long Island, N. Y, Page 169.