- (?), (?) (ap Maredudd, Gruffydd, Lord of Mawddwy) to (?), Isabella
- (?), Isabelle to (?), Siward Digera - Earl of Northumbria
- (?), Styntje to Atwood, John Hewson
- Atwood, Mary to Baldwin, William
- Baldwyn, Anna to Bearn, Gamel
- Bearse, Benjamin to Bibler, Susannah
- Bick, James to Bouchard, Marie
- Boucher, Alexis to Bruley, William
- Brult, Sarah to Carpenter, William
- Carr, Amanda "Affa" to Clement, Joseph dit La Lement
- Clements, Joseph to Cornell, William Gillemse
- Cornish, Alice to Dantry, Jane
- Danvers, Agnes to Dethick, William (Sir)
- Detray, Frank to Eames, Richard
- Earl of Bernicia, Waltheof - to Ffownes, William
- Ffyske, Agnes to Frost, William
- Frue, Grace Estelle to Goodman, Sarah
- Goodrich, Allen to Hackett, Jane Sophia
- Hackle, Richard to Heath, William
- Heaton, Rebecca to Hooker, Zachery
- Hoover, Mary Magdalna to Humphrey, Samuel
- Hundon, Elizabeth to Johnson, James
- Johnson, Jeremiah to Laporte, Marie- Magdaleine
- Laporte, Marie-Agathe to Lemieux, Michel-Andre
- Lemire, Antoine to Maltby, William
- Mandeville, John to Mayo, Sarah
- Mayrand, Alexis to Moore, Usher
- Moorefield, Elizabeth to North, Sarah
- North, Thomas to Pell., Sir John 2nd Lord Pell
- Pelland, Anna dit Beausoliel to Plumpton, William de II
- Pocock, Mary to Rawson, William
- Ray, Dorothy to Robillard, Ursule dit Lambert
- Robin, Gertrude to Sands, Sarah
- Sands, Sybil to Shepard, Violet
- Sherbahn, Frederick to Stam, Cornelius Of Boeicop
- Stamford, Martha to Sylvestre, Marie-Henriette dit Beausoliel
- Sylvestre, Marie-Jeanne to Torrey, Philip
- Torrey, Philip to Turney, Judith
- Turqueville, Walter De to Vincent, William
- Vinclair, Henri to Wetherhyll, Thomasyn
- Wetmore, Lois to Winthrop, William
- Wintreshull, William de to Youngs, William
- Zahneissin, Anna Maria to _____, Marie