John Johnson

M, b. 27 August 1661, d. after 10 December 1712
FatherJohn Johnson d. b 1687
MotherHannah Parmelie
     John was born on Saturday, 27 August 1661 in New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut. John married Mehitable Grannis, daughter of Edward Grannis and Hannah Wakefield, on 2 March 1684/85 in New Haven.1,2 His uncle, Thomas Johnson, gave John his homestead that was originally the homestead of his grandfather, Robert Johnson. Later, he and Mehitable appeared before the Probate Court and in a deposition stated that the cattle of his deceased uncle Thomas Johnson was to go to Thomas' brother William.3 John made his will on 10 December 1712 at New Haven.

In the name of God Amen. I John Johnson Senior of New Haven being at this time Sick and weak in my Body Yet of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God for it I Do make and ordain this my Last will and Testament. In manner and form following - Firstly and principally I Give my Soul to God hoping for acceptance and mercy through the merits and righteousness of Christ Jesus my Lord and my body I commit to the Earth to be burried Decently at the discretion of my Exet hereafter named and as Concerning ye disposing of all such Temporal Estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I give and dispose thereof as followith- firstly that all my just debts and funeral. Expenses shall be paid and Dyscharged
Item. I give and bequeath all my Estate- both personall and Real that I Dye in my possession of to my persent Dear and Loving Wife Mahitabell Johnson to be wholly and intirely at her Dispose and Use for herr own Comfort or for ye bringing up my children or otherwise to dispose of as they may need and as she can spare, yet my will is that the whole of my Estate be Intirely at my wife's Dispose So Long as she shall Live as widow and at her decease or marriage my will Is that she shall have Intirely at her Dispose one third part of what Shall then be Remaining of my Estate and the rest Divided equally amongst my children Excepting twenty pounds which I do hereby give of my estate to my Daughter Sarah Johnson more than her equal Share with the rest of my children and also my will further is that my Son John Johnson Shall have his equall Share with the rest of my Children besides What he hath already had of me and I do Nominate and appoint and hereby Constitute my Present Deer and Loving Wife Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby Revoke all former Wills by me at any time made before this. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Affixed my seal this 10th daY of December 1712. - John X Johnson - Signed Sealed and published
to be the Last will and Testament of the above said John Johnson - Before ye witnesses     Witnesses Sworn in Court in the usual form John Punderson John Lathrop - test Jos' Whiting, Clerk.4

John departed this life in New Haven.


Mehitable Grannis b. 1666, d. 2 Dec 1745


  1. [S1260] James Shepard, The New Haven & Wallingford [Conn.] Johnsons, page 135.
  2. [S1878] New Haven Vital Records 1649-1850: Volume 1: page 59. John Johnson and Mabell Grannest wer marryed ye 2nd of March 1684/85 Before Jno. Nash asist 1684/85. - transcribed by Hartford, CT Connecticut Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America -
  3. [S1260] James Shepard, The New Haven & Wallingford [Conn.] Johnsons, pages 135.
  4. [S1260] James Shepard, The New Haven & Wallingford [Conn.] Johnsons, page 136 - Will of John Johnson dated: 10 December 1712.