Margaret Hulins1

F, b. circa 1605, d. 28 August 1684
FatherJohn Hulins b. c 1570, d. b 28 Sep 1639
MotherMargaret (?)
     Margaret was born circa 1605 in Rodborough Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England.2 Margaret married Thomas Bliss on 18 October 1621 in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England, at St. Nicolas Church.3 Margaret made her will on 25 June 1684 at Springfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts.

I, Margaret Blisse of Springfield, being by Gods Good hand of Providence kept alive to this present day, & being aged, & not Knowing how soone the Lord may call me out of this world, I Knowing that I ow a debt to Nature, I thought It my duty to Settle my Estate that soe I may the freelyer Leave this World, when God shal cal me home.

And First I shal declare my faith & Leave it with my surviveing children, wch is this. That I doe beleive in the free mrcy of God the father, in & through the merites of God the Son my blessed Redeemr, & In Gd the Holy Ghost the Applyer of al that Good Jesus Christ hath purchased for his People: I believe the Resurrection both of the Just & the Unjust, & That we must al stand before the Judgment Seate of Christ, My Body I comitt to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor (hereafter Named). And now being of sound and pfect mind & memory doe bestow my Estate, wch God hath graciously given me in manner & forme followinge

First, I haveing given Something Considerable formerly to my son John Blisse, & under the consideration thereof, I do in this my Last wil & Testamt give to him the said John Bliss no more but this wch followeth (being sufficient wth what he has had alreadie) That is to say Twenty pounds to be paid to him, wth in Two yeeres after my decease, & that shalbe paid him in Cattle or Corne, as it passeth betweene man &: man, & also that four acres of land he bought of mee in the Long Medow wch I was never paid for, I do now give that to him. Item, I give to my son Lawrence's Son, Samll. Blisse my seven acres of Land in the necke over the River, onely he the said Samuel shal pay to Each of his sisters Two pounds: Item, I give to my grandson Nathaneel Morgan Three pounds wn he comes to the age of Twentie yeares. Item, I give to my daughter Parsons, And my daughter Scot my weareing clothes, bedding & household Stuffe, onely my Bason, I give to my son Samuel's daughter Hannah. Item, I give to my Daughter Scot five poundes, & if my Cowes doe live, & I be not forced to sel them for my necessity, I then give one of them to my Grandson John Scot: Item, All the Rest & Residue of my Personal Estate goods Lands housing Cattell whatsoever I have in Springfeild or else where, I do give and bequeath to my Loveing son Samuel Blisse & his heeres for ever, & if his wife Mary Blisse shal survive my son, then she shall have a Third part of my Land during the time of her Widowhood, & then to Return it to my sons children as He shall see good to bestow it on ym. And him the said Samuel Blisse, I do make full & Sole Executor of this my last Wil & Testament, & I do revoke disannul & make voide al formr Wills & Testaments, by me heretofore made. In witnes whereof, I Margaret Bliss do to this my Last Wil & Testament Set my hand & seale the marke of Margaret Bliss.4

Margaret departed this life on Monday, 28 August 1684 in Springfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts.2 The inventory of Margaret's estate was taken before 30 September 1684. By Samuel Marshfield and Rolland Henry. They appraised the estate to be valued at £278.4 Her will was probated on 30 September 1684. Samuel Bliss, her son, presentrd the inventory of the estate to the court. The court accepted it and proved the estate.4


Thomas Bliss b. c 1593


  1. [S2378] Mrytle Stevens Hyde, Thomas and Margaret Hulins Bliss of Hartford, Connecticut.
  2. [S1699] Willard S. Allen, Long Meadow [Mass.] Families, page 320.
  3. [S1718] Myrtle Stevens Hyde, The Marriage of Thomas Bliss & Margaret Hulins, The marriage record has been found by Robert H. Bliss, editor of the Bliss Family history Society [United Kingdom]. The marriage is recorded in the registers of the parish of St. Nicolas, city of Gloucester. 1621. Thomas Blisse & Margaret Hulings weere married October the 18th.
  4. [S2212] Massachusetts, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1635-1991
    : Hampshire - Probate Records, Vol 1-4, 1660-1780.