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- [S194] Orange County Genealogical Society., Orange County Wills.
- [S219] Oscar H. Stroh., Tombstone Inscriptions of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, (1985),.
- [S241] H. Sydney Grazesbrook, The Heraldic Visitations of Stratfordshire Made by Sir Richard St. George, Norroy, in 1614, and by Sir William Dugdale, Norroy, in the years 1663 & 1664., (London: Mitchell & Hughes, 140 Wardour St., W. 1885),.
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- [S530] Kingston Reformed Dutch Church Marriage Records.
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- [S579] Essex County, Ontario Death Record.
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- [S828] Bertha W. Clark, Richard Kirby of Sandwich, Dartmough and Oyster Bay
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- [S1780] George F. Partridge, History of the Town of Bellingham, Massachusetts, 1719-1919 (1919),.
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- [S1787] Frank J. Doherty, Beekman Patent, The Settlers of Dutchess Co., N.Y. (Doherty, Pleasant Valley, New York),.
- [S1791] Eleanor Cooley Rue, "John Jenkins As Ralph Wallen's Heire Apparent," The American Genealogist Volume 47, number 1 (January 1992): pages 47-53.
- [S1793] James B. Saxby Filling The Inside Straight: Finding The Family of Joseph Walling of Sussex County, New Jersey Personal Copy,.
- [S1993] Debra D. Smith and Frederick S. Weiser., Trinity Lutheren Church Records, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
- [S2006] York County, Pennsylvania Wills, 1749-1819.
- [S2025] Maryland Will Books.
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- [S2027]
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- [S2047] All Hallows Parish Church Records.
- [S2062] Commemorative Biographical Record of the County of Essex Ontario, (J H Beers & Co.),.
- [S2216] England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858.
- [S2265] Essex County, MA: Early Probate Records, 1635-1681.
- [S2275] Worcester County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1731-1881.
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- [S2321] Donlad Lines Jacobus, "The Judson Family of Stratford and Woodbury Conn,," The American Genealogist Volume 21 (1944): pages 269-273.
- [S2325] Essex County, Massachusetts Probate Records Supplement, 1644 - 1691.
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