Robert, (?) fitz Senulph de Lyn1,2

FatherSenulph, (?) fitz Gilbert de Lyn
     Robert, was born in Lyn, County Norfolk, England. Robert, departed this life in Lyn, County Norfolk, England.


  1. [S106] Howland Delano Perrine, The Wright Family of Oysterbay, L.I. with the ancestry of and descent from Peter Wright and Nicholas Wright, 1423-1923, pages 26-27 [chart between] - Robert, fitz Senulph de Lyn, brother Walter.
  2. [S330] Clarenceux Cooke, John Raven William Hervey, The Visitations of Norfolk, Anno 1563, Anno 1613, page 33 - Robert, fitz Senulf de Lyn, brother Walter.