Lieut. Preserved Abel

M, b. 1644, d. 18 August 1724
     Preserved married Martha Redaway on 27 September 1667 in Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts.1 Preserved's wife, Martha, died before 1 March 1685 in Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts, leaving him a widower. Preserved married 2nd on 27 December 1686 in Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts.2 Perserved & Sarah had children: Martha [11/20/1687-8/30/1709], Robert [4/25/1689-5/1/1715], Levi [1/10/1691-], Sarah [-2/14/1703], Experience [3/10/1693- m. Carpenter], Joshua [6/8/1695-], & Mary [5/18/1697-7/22/1747 m. Ephraim Walker]. Preserved spent most of his life living in Rehoboth. He is listed in the drawing of lots in 1668, and in 1670 was listed as a freeman. He performed several civic duties including being a surveyor of highways. Preserved also fought in the expedition against Quebec in 1690. He served as well in King Phillip's War. He, as well as other members of his family, advanced money to go against the expenses of carrying out that war. Preserved's wife, Sarah, died on 14 May 1703 in Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts, leaving him a widower. Preserved married 3rd Anne West on 30 December 1706 in Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts.3 Preserved made his will in 1724.

Know all Men by These Presents that I Preserved Abel of the Town of Rehoboth in the County of Bristoll In the Province of the Massachussetts Bay In New England (yeaman) being weake of Body But of Perfectt mind and memmory Thanks be given to God therefore Caling to mind my owne mortality I do make and ordaine this my Last will and Testament and first it is my will that all my debts and Funeral! Charges be discharged by my Excecutor.
Impr: I Give unto my Son Joshua Abell and to his heirs and assigns for Ever Whom I make and ordaine my Sole Excecutor of this my Last will and Testament: my Dwelling house and Barn and other Small housing together with my home Lot or home Steed Lyeing and being on the southwesterly Side of the Town Comon Lyeing on Both Sides of the Mill River Likewise the one half of my Tractt of Land Lyeing Near Doct: Richard Bowens home Lot the other half of it being Given to him by deed Likewise the one half of my Lot in the Second division which I purchased of Stephen Paine the other half given to him by deed Likewise the one half of my wood Lot at the Swamp by millerds Bridge the other half of sd tract given to him by Deed Likewise the one half of my Salt medow at the hundrd acre medow the other half Likewise Given to him by deed Likewise the one half of my Lot in watchamoket Neck Lyeing Near Samll. Hills Likewise one quarter Part of my Salt medow at the medow Caled New medows Likewise the one third Part of my Rights of Comonage In the township of Attellborough Likewise fifty Pounds Estate of Comanage Rights In the Town of Rehoboth Likewise I Give unto my sd son Joshua Abell my Cart plows Chains and all other Husbandry utentials and tools. Likewise one yoake of oxen one Cow and half my Sheepe.
It I Give unto my Three Grand sons to them their heirs and asigns for Ever (viz) Robert Abell Son of my sd Son Joshua Abell & Ebinezer Walker Son of my Eldest daughter Doratha Walker and Abiah Carpenter Son of my Second Daughter Experience Carpenter all my Tract of Land or farme Lyeing on the western Brainch of Palmers River as it is bounded of Record to be Eaqually divided Between them
It I Give unto my Three Daughters (viz) Doratha Walker Experience Carpenter and Mary Walker to them their heirs and asigns for Ever all my Lands in the Town of Rehoboth and Attellborough and Rights In Comanage both In Rehoboth and Attellborough and my Salt medow Lyeing In the Township of Barington Excepting what I have Given to my son Joshua Abell afforsd and my three Grandsons above Named And I also Give unto my- sd Daughter All my Stock of Cattell and Sheepe and house-hold Stuff and other moveable Effects Excepting what I have Before Given to my Son Joshua Abell the sd Tracts of Land and moveables to be Eaqualy devided Betwen my sd daughters And I do hereby utterly disalow Revoake and disannull all and Every other Testaments wills Legacies and Bequests and Exeecutors By me In any wales Before Named willed and Bequeathed Rattifieing and Confirming this and no other to be my Last will and Testament In wittness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seall this Eightenth day of August Anno Domini one Thousand Seven hundred and Twenty Four,
Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and declared By the sd Preserved Abell as his Last Will and Testament In the Presence of us the Subscribers

Preserved Abel
Witnesses: John Hunt, Thomas Hunt, Danil Carpenter.4

Preserved departed this life on Friday, 18 August 1724 in Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts. He was buried at East Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island, in Newman Cemetery.

Family 1

Martha Redaway b. 15 Mar 1648, d. b 1 Mar 1685

Family 2

Anne West


  1. [S882] Horace A. Abell, Abell Family in America: Robert Abell of Rehoboth, Mass, his English Ancestry and his, page 47.
  2. [S882] Horace A. Abell, Abell Family in America: Robert Abell of Rehoboth, Mass, his English Ancestry and his, page 47 - Preserved married 2nd, Sarah Bowen, December 27, 1686 at Rehoboth. She was born February 7, 1656 at Rehoboth, died there May 14, 1704 (G.S.ins.), daughter of Richard and Ester (Sutton) Bowen.
  3. [S506] Note: He married 3rd, Mrs. Anne West of Boston, intentions at Rehoboth, December 30, 1706,.
  4. [S882] Horace A. Abell, Abell Family in America: Robert Abell of Rehoboth, Mass, his English Ancestry and his, pages 47-49 - Will of Lt. Preserved Abel.