John Corwin I1,2,3

M, b. circa 1635, d. 25 September 1702
FatherMatthias Corwin b. c 1595, d. 12 Sep 1658
MotherMargaret Shatswell b. c 1598/99
     John was probably born at Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts. John married Mary Glover, daughter of Charles Glover and Elizabeth (?), on 4 February 1658 in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York. In 1661, John bought land & meadow at Oyster Pond and Aquebogue. He was admitted as a freeman of Connecticut, for Southold, 1662. In 1675, he was rated for 2 heads, 21 acres, 16 cattle, 9 horses, 5 swine, 6 sheep totaling £228 10s. In 1678, united in deed for common lands. In 1679, John deeded to John Sweezy, for lot in brush meadow. In 1683, John Carwine, of Southold, is estimated to be worth £131. In 1689, he deeded to John Paine, 1 acre meadow at Goose Creek. In 1691, he deeded to R. Howell, meadow in Aquebogue. In 1695, he deeded to his eldest son, John, Jr., 50 acres. In 1696, he deeded to Simon Grover, 10 acres, on the Mill Pond Creek. John and Mary had children: Mary [12/15/1659-1690] [m. 1685 Jabez Mapes [s/o Thomas & Sarah [Purrier] Mapes], Sarah [1664-2/03/1707] [m. 1686 Jacob Osman], John [1666-12/13/1729] [m. after 1686 Sarah], Rebecca [1670-] [m. before 1696 Abram Osman], Matthias [1671-3/09/1769] [m. Mary Roe], Samuel [8/12/1674-12/28/1705] [m. after 1698 Anna], Hannah [1687], Abigail [1688]. 1686, John waslisted on a list of the inhabitants of the town of Southold. Enumerated in this household were John Curwin [4100].4 1698, John waslisted on the Southold Town Census. Enumerated in this household were John Corwin, Matthis, Samuel, Anna & Abiigail.5 John made his will on 26 November 1700 at the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York.

In ye name of God, Amen. I, John Corwin, Senr., of Southold, in ye County of Suffolk & Province of New Yorke, being aged, but in health of body, & of a sound & pfect memory, doe make this my last will & testamt, as followeth.
First, I bequeath my spirit to God that gave it & my body to be decently buried in hope of ye resurrection again with Jesus Christ, at ye last day, &c. And for my worldly estate, after my just debts and funerall charges paid, I doe bequeath as followeth :
Imprnus, I give & bequeath to my eldest son, John Corwin, one hundred acres of ye land lying and being at Mattehucke, be it more or less, ye land of Jonathan Reeve on ye West; also one first lot of Meadow at ye deep Creeke & all my meadow at ye other side of Peaconnucke river, and also a third lot of upland agt ye Indian field, and one first lot of upland on ye north side of ye high way near ye fresh meadow, and a third lot of upland on ye south side of hogge neck, and one lot of Creek thatch at ye Indian Necke; all & every part of upland & meadow as above recited I doe give, grant, & bequeath unto my said son John Corwin, his heirs & assignes for ever, to Have & to Hold in his & their own proper right for ever, &c., as also one lot of Commonage to him as abovesd, &c.
2dly I give & bequeath unto my second son Matthias Curwin my dwelling house, barne, & home lot, also one & twenty acres of woodland, on ye north side of S-hold, near ye Cleft, and eighteen acres of upland at ye backside lots, and a third lot of meadow eastward from John Budds, and a third lot of meadow at ye head of ye Millpond, & a second lot of meadow in Pine Necke. Also one lot of Meadow Creek thatch in Indian Necke, & one lot of commonage, all which, housing, barne, & lands, & meadows I give & bequeath unto my second son Matthias Corwin, & to his heires & assigns for ever, to possess & enjoy in his & their ovine proper right for ever, &c.
3rdly. I give & bequeath to my youngest son, Samll Corwin, one hundred acres of upland, more or less, lying- & being at Mattchucke, east from ye land of Jonathan Reeve, as also one first lot of meadow at ye deep Creek, and a second lot of Creek thatch at Indian Necke, together with one lot of commonage to him my sd son, Samll Corwin, to have & to hold to him, his heires, & assignes for ever, &c. As also I give one first lot layd out at ye Wading river, with .halfe ye commonage belonging, yet undivided, &c.
4thly. I doe give & bequeath to my daughter Sarah, now ye wife of Jacob Osman, one cow, to be delivered by my executor herafter mentioned.
5thly. I doe give & bequeath to my daughter Rebecca, now ye wife of Abram Osman, one cow, to be delivered after my decease.
6thly. I give & bequeath to my daughter, Hannah Corwin, one young cow or cow kind.
7thly. I give and bequeath to my daughter, Abigail Corwin, one young cow or cow kind.
8thly. I give & bequeath to my grand child Sarah, ye daughter of Jabez Mapes, one cow, all wch is to be delivered after my decease by my executor hereafter mentioned, & my horse & my plow & plow irons, I give to my son Samll Corwin, and all my sheep to be equally divined between my two youngest sons and all my daughters, equally, &c., and what carpenters tools I leave to be equally divided between my three sons &c. I give my oxen, & carte, & wheels, & one plow with irons, &. ye bed I ly on to my son, Matthias Corwin, &c. And all; ye rest of my moveable goods I give to my two youngest sons, Matthias Corwin & Samll Corwin, equally to be divided. Also I doe make & ordein my second son, Matthias Corwin, my sole executor to see this my last will & testamt duly pformed, and this I declare to be my last, will & testmt, as witness my hand & scale this 26 day of November, 1700.
John Corwin     (Seal)
Signed & sealed as witnessed by us: Joshua Wells, James Reeve, Stephen Bayley.6,7

John departed this life on Monday, 25 September 1702 in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York. By ye tenour of these pesents know ye yt on ye 14th day of Octob, Anno Dni, 1702, at ye Mannr of St. Georges, in ye County of Suffolk, before Coll. William Smith, Judge of ye Prerogative Court, in ye sd county, was proved & approved ye last will & testamt of John Corwin, late of Southold, in ye sd county, deceased on ye 25th day of Sept., 1702, who by his sd will did nominate & appoint Matthias Corwin, his son, his sole executor, to whom was granted ye adminsn of all & singular ye goods, chattels, & credits of ye sd deceased.


Mary Glover b. 23 May 1642, d. b 1698


  1. [S342] Wayland Jefferson, Southold Town, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York, page 31 - John Corwin-2 m. Mary Glover, died at Southold Sep. 24, 1702. Issue: John-3; Matthias-3; Samuel-3.
  2. [S139] Edward Tanjore Corwin, Corwin Genealogy (Curwin, Curwen, Corwine) in the United States, pages 116-117 - John Corwin (Ilebrew) a gracious gift of God.[son of Matthias] - b. -=, 1630 ? d. September 25th, 1702. m. Mary, daughter of Charles Glover, February 4th, 1658. She d. before 1690, probably. Ch. John, Matthias, Samuel, Sarah, Rebecca, Hannah, Abigail, Mary.
    In 1661, bought land and meadow at Oyster Pond and Aquebogue. Admitted as a freeman of Connecticut, for Southold, 1662. In 1675, rated for 2 heads, 21 acres, 16 cattle, 9 horses, 5 swine, 6 sheep, £228 10s. (Doc. Hist. N. Y. ii. 259.) In 1678, united in deed for common lands. 1679, deed to John Sweezy, for lot in brush meadow. 1683, John Carwine, of Southold, is estimated to be worth £131. (Doc. Hist. ii. 310.) 1686, had 4 males, 1 female in his family. 1689, deed to John Paine, 1 acre meadow at Goose Creek. 1691, deed to R. Howell, meadow in Aquebogue. 1695, deed to eldest son, John, Jr., 50 acres. 1696, deed to Simon Grover, 10 acres, on Mill Pond Creek. His name occurs in census list 1698, (Doc. Hist. N. Y. i. 450) with names of all his children, excepting Mary and Rebecca, who were already married. [Will in full]
  3. [S187] Indexed by Rosanne Conway Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan, Lists of Inhabitants of Colonial New York: Excerpted from the Documentary History of the State of New York, page 71 - page 71 - Southoulds Estimate The 16th September 1675: John Curwin
    2 heads 21 acors land 57 - -
    6 oxen 6 cows 66 - -
    3:3 yrold 12 - -
    1:2 yrold 02 10 -
    5 horses 60 - -
    2:3 yrold 16 - -
    1:2. yrold 1 yerling O8 - -
    5 Swine....      05 - -
    6 shepe       02 - -
    total: £228 10 -.
  4. [S187] Indexed by Rosanne Conway Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan, Lists of Inhabitants of Colonial New York: Excerpted from the Documentary History of the State of New York, page 53 - 1686 List of Inhabitants of the town of Southold.
  5. [S187] Indexed by Rosanne Conway Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan, Lists of Inhabitants of Colonial New York: Excerpted from the Documentary History of the State of New York, page 49 - 1698 Southold Town Census.
  6. [S139] Edward Tanjore Corwin, Corwin Genealogy (Curwin, Curwen, Corwine) in the United States, page 117 - Will in full [Note: names Sarah, daughter of Jacob Mapes - transcription error, should read Jabez Mapes-klm].
  7. [S428] Lester Dunbar Mapes, A Tentative Correction of the Mapes Family Line, page 9 - John Corwin, Senior, made a will Nov. 26, 1700 which was proven Oct.14, 1702; in it he speaks of "my grandchild Sarah, daughter of Jabez Mapes" (REF. 14, P. 253).