Obadiah Bowen1,2,3,4,5

M, b. 3 January 1627, d. 10 September 1710
FatherRichard Bowen b. c 1594, d. 4 Feb 1674
MotherAnn (?)
     Obadiah was born on Sunday, 3 January 1627 in Swansea, Glamorgan, Wales.6 He immigrated to New England from Wales with his parents. Obadiah married Mary Clifton circa 1649 in Swansea Township, Bristol County, Massachusetts. They lived in Rehoboth. The family belonged to the Baptist Church. At a later time, part of Rehoboth broke off and became known as Swansea. Obadiah named this town after his home town in Wales. Obadiah's wife, Mary, died on 18 February 1697 in Swansea Township leaving him a widower. Obadiah made his will on 11 December 1708.

In the Name of God Amen the Eleventh day of Decembr one Thousand seven Hundred & Eight I Obadiah Bowen of Swanzey in ye County of Bristol in New England Yeoman being Grown Ancient & weake of body Yet of sound mind & memory blessed be God for the same And being willing & desirous to set my house in Order & settle my outward Estate which the Lord in mercey hath Lent me I Do make this my Last will & Testamt In manner & form following Viz': Imprimis I Commit my soul into the hands of God who gave it hopeing through grace to Receive the Remission of all my sins And through the Mirrits of my Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to be made pertaker of the Inheiritance of ye saints in Light And my Body to be Decently buried according to the discresio of my Executors of this my Last will and Testament hereafter Named And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me in this life I give Demise and Despose of the same in the following manner and form
My will is that all my Just Debts which I owe to any person or persons whatsoever be be duely payd by my Executr out of my Estate in time Conveinient after my Decease
Impms I give to my well beloved son Samuel Bowen of Cohansey Ten pounds silver money at the fifteen peny weight and seventeen pounds of the like money I give to my said son Samuel Bowen and my Daughter hannah Brooks Equally to be divided betwixt them I do also give to my daughter hannah Brooks my bed and beding
Item I give to Lidia Mason a Cow
Itt: I give & bequeath unto my Grandsons Aron Bowen & Daniel Bowen sons of my son obadiah Bowen Deceased to them and Each of them for Ever All yt my Right & Interest of and in the lands both divided and undivided scittuate. Lyeing & being within the Township of Attleborrough in the County of Bristol aforesd Equally to be divided between them :
Item I give unto my Grandson Nathan Bowen son of my sd son obadiah Bowen to him the said Nathan Bowen for Ever All that my two Divissions of lands in Rehoboth the one being allready laid out & the other now due to be layd out by ye selectmen of Rehoboth aforesd that land wch is allready layd out being somewhat distant from Blisses saw mill . and allso all my Right of fresh meadow vizt two peices of fresh meadow the one lyeing at a place called the great meadow the other somewhat distant from sd meadow
Itt I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Bowen his heires and Assignes for ever All that my Division or Divisions of land layd out adjacent to said Josephs lands within the Township of Rehoboth aforesd and allso the whole of all my undivided lands throughout the Commons of undivided lands both in the township of Rehoboth & Swanzey aforesaid .
Itt I give and bequeath unto James Bowen & Hezekiah Bowen forever Respectively all that my lot of land of land lyeing & being in Rehoboth aforesd Contayning Twenty acres it being Recorded to william Bowen in said Rehoboth land Records And to all other of my Relations not herein mentioned that should under any Tollerable pretence Claime any portion of my Estate left I give one shilling allso in full sattisfaction to them all: And whereas there is Amongst my household stuff four pewter platters that were given to me in my infancy when I was Baptized I do now give one of sd platters to my Grand Daughter Katherine Bowen And one of them to my Grandaughter Sarah
Bowen and one of them I give to my Granddaughter Allice Bowen
and the fourth & last platter I give to my Grand daughter
Elizabeth* Bowen . that is to say to each of them a Platter
Item I Give to my Grand daughterf a smale iron Kettle
Itt I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Bowen all the
Rest of my Estate not yet disposed of And ffinally I do hereby
make Constitute Appoint & ordain my said son Thomas Bowen
to be my sole Executor of this my last will and Testament &
doe allso Charge him to see it [p. 291] Punctually and duely
performed according to the purpose & true meaning thereof
And I do allso hereby Revoke and utterly null & make void all
former wills & Testaments by me at any time made Either by
word or wrighting to be of no Effect or Use But this my last
will & Testament to stand firm & good In witness whereof I the
said obadiah Bowen have hereunto subscribed my name and
affixed my seale with my own hand given and published and
Declared the day & year first above written
Signed sealed and Delivered Obadiah Bowen (S)
In the presence of us
Caleb Eddy
John Paddock
John Devotion.7

Obadiah departed this life on Wednesday, 10 September 1710 in Swansea Township, Bristol County, Massachusetts. The inventory of Obadiah's estate was taken on Saturday, 4 October 1710. The inventory upon Record amounted to the sum of £1530 9s O2d.8 His will was probated on 14 October 1710.9


Mary Clifton b. c 1628, d. 18 Feb 1697


  1. [S46] William Richard Cutter, New England Families, genealogical memorial; a record of the achievements of her people in the making of commonwealths & the founding of a nation, pages 1799-1800 - Children of Obadiah: Obadiah [18 September 1650], Mary [18 January 1652], Sara [6 November 1654], Samuel [16 July 1659], Joseph [17 June 1662], Thomas [3 August 1664], Hannah [3 May 1665], Lydia [25 April 1666], Marcy [18 March 1672], Isaac [30 September 1674].
  2. [S733] Josephine C. Frost, Ancestors of Frank Herbert DaVol and his wife, Phebe Downing Willits, page 37 - Obadiah Bowen, son of Richard and Ann Bowen, was born in Wales about 1627 and came to New England with his parents. He died in Swansea, Mass., Sept. 10, 1710, aged 83 years. He married Mary Clifton (probably a sister of Thomas Clifton), who died there Feb. 18, 1697, aged 69 years. Issue: Obadiah, Mary, Sara, Samuel, Joseph, Thomas, Hannah, Lydia, Marcy, and Isaac.
    page 118.
  3. [S872] Bowen Familu, Volume 76: page 277 - Obadiah Bowen [c. 1627/28-1710] & Mary ___ m. ca. 1650.
  4. [S135] Clarence Almond Torrey, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, Obadiah Bowen m. before 1651 Mary Clifton.
  5. [S875] William Richard Cutter, Genealogical and Personal Memoirs to the Families of the State of Massachusetts, page.
  6. [S506] Note: Swansea, (Welsh name - Abertawe) (mouth of the Tawe) is a city and county in Wales. Swansea is in the historic county boundries of Glamorgan. Situated on the sandy South West Wales coast, the county area includes the Gower peninsula.
    Ilston is the name of a village in Swansea. The village in the heart of the Gower peninsula is a home brook, parish church and a National Trust abandoned limestone quarry. The community is surrounded by common land used as grazing land, woodlands and fields.
  7. [S879] The Editor, The Wills of Obadiah and Thomas owen, Recorded as "Mary" in Vol. Ill, p. ». t The name was omitted.
    Obadiah Bowen's will was twice recorded, in Book II, page 290, and in Book III, page 1. At the end of the record in the third book is a note, in the same hand as that record, referring to the record in the second book.
  8. [S879] The Editor, The Wills of Obadiah and Thomas owen.
  9. [S879] The Editor, The Wills of Obadiah and Thomas owen, Bristol ss: October 14th 1710 then Caleb Eddy and John Paddock Junr two of ye wittnesses of the within written will of Obadiah Bowen above Named Came before me Natha1 Paine Esqr Judge of the Probate of wills & granting Administrations within the County aforesd & made Oath that they were present and did see the said Deceased signe seal publish & declare this Instrumt as his will and Testamt & that he was of a Disposeing mind when he so did and that they together with John Devotion the other witness set their hands as witnesses at the same time
    John Cary Regr Nath1 Paine
    Entered Novr 29 1710 By John Cary Regr:
    [From original bond] On 14 October, 1710, "Thomas Bowen of Swanzey in the County of Bristol" as " Executor .... of his late Father obadiah Bowen of Swanzey Deceased " with "Joseph Bowen & James Bowen of Rehoboth " gave bond for ^300, " Currant Money ". The bond bears the autograph signatures of "Thomas Bowen", "Joseph bowin " and "James Bowen", also of "Caleb eddy" and John Cary as witnesses.