Sir Edmund Bedingfeld1
M, b. circa 1480, d. before 2 November 1553
Father | Sir Edmund Bedingfeld b. 1443, d. 15 Oct 1496 |
Mother | Margaret Scott b. 1456, d. 29 Jan 1513 |
Edmund was born circa 1480 in Oxborough, County Norfolk, England. Edmund married Grace Marney circa 1504. He was knighted on 31 October 1523 at Roye, France during the invasion of Calais, along with Edward Seymour, brother of the future queen, Jane Seymour. When his brother, Robert, died in July of 1539, the estate of his father passed on to him. In 1533, at the annullment of Henry VIII's marriage to Catherine of Aragon, Edmund was placed in charge of Catherine,s custody at Kimbolton Castle in Huntingdonshire. He was also responsible for the funeral procession from this castle to Peterorough where Catherine was interred. He was the 3rd surviving son of his father, being the heir of his brother, Robert, who died in July of 1539. Livery was granted to him on 1 July 33 Henry VIII. [1542] Edmund made his will on 9 August 1552.
In the name of God Amen. The nynthe daye of Auguste in the yere of the raign of our most dreade souraign Lord Edwarde the Sixte by the grace of God of England Fraunce and Irelande king and defendor of the faithe and in earth of the Churche of England and also of Irlande the supreme head the fyfthe I sir Edmunde Bedingfeld of Oxoborough in the countie of Norfolke knight hole and perfect of mynde and remembraunce thanked be God fearing neverthelesse the unstableness of this pnte world do make my testament and last will in fourme as hereafter ensewith that is to saye I comende my soule to Almightie God trusting by the merits of the passion of Christ my Saviour and Redemer to have remission of my synnes my bodye I will to be buried after the most laudable manner and custome of Christes church in suche place and after suche forme as shall seme most convenient to myne executours and I give to the high aulter of Oxborough Churche for my tithes negligently forgotten ten shillings. Item I bequeathe to the repacon of the said church fourtie shillings and I bequeathe to the lyke repacon of the churches of Redlingfelde and Denham to eche of them xx s. Item I bequeathe unto my wife dame Grace Bedingfeld all suche jewells as the hathe been used to weare upon her bodye together with all my jewells and plate except a piece of silver pcell gilt engraven in the boton wit Goddes blessings and the Bedingfelde armes and also I give unto her all my right interest and title which I have in and to the fearme and less of Skaleshoo in the partes of Marshlande in the countie of Norff and I give also unto hir all suche shepe cattle as I shal have going there and depasturede at the tyme of my deathe and all my mylche kyne and other cattell not above one yere of age the whiche at the same tyme of my deathe shal be remayninge at Redlingfeld & Denham in the countie of Suff and I give and bequeath unto my sonne Sir Henry Bedingfeld knight all my harness weapons and habilyments of warr which shall remayne at Oxborough in the armory there at the tyme of my said deathe to thintente he may serve the knigs majesty therewith at all tymes when he shal be comaujnded and where by the laost will and testament of sir Henry Marny knight lorde Marny it was assigned willed and bequeathed unto the said Sir Henry Bedingfeld by the name of Henry Bedingfeld sonne and heire apparente to me the said sir Edmund before this tyme have dyvers and sondery waies issued and paid dyvers great and notable sommes of money aswell for thattayninge of the inheritaunce of Sir Thomas Bedingfeld knight my eldest brother latelye departed as also in obteyning of the kings majesty the manor of Bedingfeld in the countie of Suff which both by sufferance of Almightie Good shall descend and come unto the said Sir Henry and his heyres and also considering that at dyvers other tymes I have been beneficiall ynto hym as emongst other upon my departure from my late fearme at Massingham the said Sir Henry ihad of my gifte as well as parte of my plate and utensils of household as also dyvers cattell as horses and kind besides other necessaries and ymplements of husbandrye I thinke myself by good reason and all consciens to be discharged ageynst the said sir Henry and for the said some of one hundred pounds also I will that all such stuff of household remaining at Oxborough which was agreed upon between dame Alice Borough late wife of my said brother Sir Thomas Bedingfeld knight and me the said Sir Edmunde by mediacon of Sir John Spelman Sir Roger Townehend knights and Humfrey Carvell esquyer shal be delivered by myne executors unto my said sonne Sir Henryt Bedingfeld knight within one moneth next ensuing after my decease that is to saye firste in the chamber called the greater chambre a fetherbedd with a boulster. Item a covering of verdoures with armes and a destour of the same with curteyns of grene sarcenet also a hanging of arras two cusshons with armes a cupboard with a carpet theron a coffer and chayer. Item in the chamber called the kings chamber a fetherbedd with a boulster a mattras a payre of fustians a covering of redde and grenes sarenet twilted a testour of tawney and black satten embrowdered with unycornes and skalloppe shelles two cussyns with armes a cupboard with a grene cloth thereon two chaires a carpet in the wyndowe two cobyrons in the chimney. Item in the chambere next the said kings chamber a fetherbedd with a bolster a payre of blankets a covering of tapestrye the hangings in the chamber of redd and yellow canvas and a forme. Item in the inward chamber next unto the chamber called the queene’s chamber a fetherbedd with a bolster a blanket a covering of russet clothe & testour of stayned cloth and a forme. Item in the said chamber called the quenes chambers a fetherbedd with a bolster a payre of blankets a covering a redd sayt with armes and a testour of the same the curteyns of white lynnen clothe a trendle bed with a fetherbedd and a bouslter a blanket a covering a cupborde with the clothe thereupon a clothe of redd saye in the windowe a longe chayr with a clothe therin and other chaior and three chussyons without armes. Item in the plour a hanging of redd saye stayned a cupboarde the longe table and a trussing bed in the chamber of the said plour. Item in the chappell a payer of chalice with the patent the aulter clothes the hangings of whight sarcenet and iiii cusshyns. Item a palle clothe of black velvet with a whight crosse. And I give unto the said Sir Henry one pece of silver pcell gilt wherein is engraven Goddes blessing and the Beddingfeld armes to remayne to hym as an heir lome in such wise as I received the same pece of my said brother Sirt Thomas Bedingfeld. And I bequeathe unto the said Sir Henry my two stoned horses which be bothe rydden and over that I do lidewyse assigne will and bequeath unto the said Sir Henry all and all manner of utensils belonging to my backhouse at Oxborough together with other necessaries occupied and use for the prupose oand intent of baking and brewing whiche at the time of my deathe shall remayne at and within my said backehouse there and also all such utensils berlonging to the kitchen ther as was agreed upon by the said dame Alesborough and me the said Sir Edmunde by mediacon of the said sir John Spelman Sir Roger Townshend knights and Humfrey Carvell esquire. And I give unto the said Sir Henry all myne eyrys of swannes and swanne markes except one coople of old eyrys remaining at Bedingfeld. Item I give and bequeath unto my said sonne Sir Henry all such coles tymber bordes and stone or other thinge appertening to repacons of the house of Oxborough that shall remayne at Oxborough at the tyme of my death. All which said bequests and legacies I will shall envre and remayne unto the said Sir Henry only upon condicon that the same Sir Henry nor his executours shall not at anye time hereafter clayme of my executours or the executours of them any parcel of the said some of one hundred poundes before assigned willed and bequeathed unto hym by the testament and last will of the said Henry Lord Marny. And I give and bequeath unto my grande childe Fraunes Sulyarde daughter of John Sulyarde esquire one hundred markes of good and lawfull English money to be paid to her at the daye of her marriage or ells at the age of xxi yeres foreseen always that yf the said Fraunces do dye before marriage had and before she shall atteyne unto the age of xxi yeres that then the said hundread mark to be divided by even porcons between my youngest sonnes then lyvunge. And I give and bequeathe unto my said wife dame Grace all and almanner my howsehold stuffe and other necessarie implements together with my utensils of husbandrie now remaining as well at Osborough as at Redelingfeld not before assigned willed or bequeathed to my said sonne Sir Henry Bedingfeld to do therewith her will and pleasure. Ane I hartilie desire and require my said wife to give unto my servnte John Turnor fourtie shillings by yere during his life and if it shall happen my said widf to dye the said John then lyvinge then I will myne executours shall from thenforthe yerely content and pay unto the said John Turnor fourtie shillings durubge his natural leif. And I will and bequeath to the children of my said sonne Sir Henry Bedingfeld now lyvinge one hundredde poundes of good and lawfull Englishe money to be equally devided amongst theym and to be payde to them at their several ages of xxi yeres or ells at such days as they and every of them shall happen to be married. And I giveto the children of my sonne Frannces Bedingfeld fowerscore pounds of good and lawfull English money to be equally divided amonge them and to be payde to them in such sorte and at such tymes as in the article last before mentioned is declared and specified. Also I give and bequeathe to the children of my sonne Anthony Bedingfeld threescore poundes of good and lawfull English money equally to be divided emong them and to be paid to them in like manner and tyme, Provided always and my will ys that yf it shall happen any of the children of my said sonnes Sir Henry Frannces and Anthony to dye before marriage had and before their several ages of xxi yeres then I will that the porcon or porcons of such and so many of their children Anthony Humpfrey and Edmude if they then do lyve of ells to as many of them as then shall be lyving to their further advancement and relief. And further I give and bequeathe unto my said wife dame Grace all my pullery and swine together with all my corne and hay remaining aswell at Redingfeld as at Oxborough at the tyme of my deathe and also all myne interest and terme of yeres whiche I have in the parsonage and tithe corne of Hoxne in sayde the countie of Suff.. Also I give unto ,my sonnes Anthony Humfrey & Edmund to eche of them fourtie poundes of good and lawfull English moneyj my debts being first paide. Provided always that yf the said Anthony Humfrey or Edmunde do dye within six yeres next after my decease then I will that the procion or porcions of suche of them so dyinge shalbe equally divided between my said younger sonnes then lyving. And I give and bequeath to Margaret the wife of Thomas Parke otherwise called Thomas Tailor my servant to be delivered unto her within sixe wekes after my death twentie ewe sheep nowe going in Westhallflocke in Claye. And I give unto Adam Roberts my servant vj pounds xiii shillings iiij pencebesides his quarters waiges and lyverie. And I give and bequeathe unto Edmunde Grymston William Shuldham John Brooke William Dey Robert Nollothe Robert Coke John Hewer Thomas Spicer Simon Bedall Robert Clarke and Robert Barwicke to every of them besides their quarters wages and their lyveries fourtie shillings of good and lawfull English money. And in lyke manner I give and bequeathe unto Edmunde Grene Robert Jerves Thomas Caton Thomas Parke John Turnor Henry Raydon Thomas Stock Henry Jubye Edmunde Roberds Danyell Elsagood Thomas Laycocke John Eyslingham Willyam Skoldmodge Edwarde Hostler Robert Turnepenny Humfrey Shuldeham Henry Spencer John Cooke and Thomas Hewer my servants to eny of them besides their quarters wages and their lyveries twentie shillings. Item I give to evfery one of myne other servants besides their quarters wages and their lyveries tenne shillings. And I give to Margarett Pepper fortie shillings. And I give unto the right worshipfull and right so myne assured good brother and frende Sir Roger Townshend Knight The residue of my goodes cattalls and debts not before assigned willed or bequeathed I freestyle give them and every of them to myne executourswhom I ordain constitute and make my welbeloved wife dame Grace Bedingfeld my sonne Anthony Bedingfeld and Thomas Caton my servant to every of whiche I give for their paynes to be taken in and about the execution and performance of this my testament tenne poundes and their reasonable costs. And furthermore I the said Sir Edmunde Bedingfeld do revocate adnull ahd adhychilate all other wills and testament by me made devised or ordeyned before the daye of the date of this my pnte last will and testament. Theis witnesses per Edmude Bedingfeld.2
Edmund departed this life before 2 November 1553 in Oxborough, County Norfolk, England. His will was probated on 2 November 1553. An Inquisition Post Mortem took place in 1554.
In the name of God Amen. The nynthe daye of Auguste in the yere of the raign of our most dreade souraign Lord Edwarde the Sixte by the grace of God of England Fraunce and Irelande king and defendor of the faithe and in earth of the Churche of England and also of Irlande the supreme head the fyfthe I sir Edmunde Bedingfeld of Oxoborough in the countie of Norfolke knight hole and perfect of mynde and remembraunce thanked be God fearing neverthelesse the unstableness of this pnte world do make my testament and last will in fourme as hereafter ensewith that is to saye I comende my soule to Almightie God trusting by the merits of the passion of Christ my Saviour and Redemer to have remission of my synnes my bodye I will to be buried after the most laudable manner and custome of Christes church in suche place and after suche forme as shall seme most convenient to myne executours and I give to the high aulter of Oxborough Churche for my tithes negligently forgotten ten shillings. Item I bequeathe to the repacon of the said church fourtie shillings and I bequeathe to the lyke repacon of the churches of Redlingfelde and Denham to eche of them xx s. Item I bequeathe unto my wife dame Grace Bedingfeld all suche jewells as the hathe been used to weare upon her bodye together with all my jewells and plate except a piece of silver pcell gilt engraven in the boton wit Goddes blessings and the Bedingfelde armes and also I give unto her all my right interest and title which I have in and to the fearme and less of Skaleshoo in the partes of Marshlande in the countie of Norff and I give also unto hir all suche shepe cattle as I shal have going there and depasturede at the tyme of my deathe and all my mylche kyne and other cattell not above one yere of age the whiche at the same tyme of my deathe shal be remayninge at Redlingfeld & Denham in the countie of Suff and I give and bequeath unto my sonne Sir Henry Bedingfeld knight all my harness weapons and habilyments of warr which shall remayne at Oxborough in the armory there at the tyme of my said deathe to thintente he may serve the knigs majesty therewith at all tymes when he shal be comaujnded and where by the laost will and testament of sir Henry Marny knight lorde Marny it was assigned willed and bequeathed unto the said Sir Henry Bedingfeld by the name of Henry Bedingfeld sonne and heire apparente to me the said sir Edmund before this tyme have dyvers and sondery waies issued and paid dyvers great and notable sommes of money aswell for thattayninge of the inheritaunce of Sir Thomas Bedingfeld knight my eldest brother latelye departed as also in obteyning of the kings majesty the manor of Bedingfeld in the countie of Suff which both by sufferance of Almightie Good shall descend and come unto the said Sir Henry and his heyres and also considering that at dyvers other tymes I have been beneficiall ynto hym as emongst other upon my departure from my late fearme at Massingham the said Sir Henry ihad of my gifte as well as parte of my plate and utensils of household as also dyvers cattell as horses and kind besides other necessaries and ymplements of husbandrye I thinke myself by good reason and all consciens to be discharged ageynst the said sir Henry and for the said some of one hundred pounds also I will that all such stuff of household remaining at Oxborough which was agreed upon between dame Alice Borough late wife of my said brother Sir Thomas Bedingfeld knight and me the said Sir Edmunde by mediacon of Sir John Spelman Sir Roger Townehend knights and Humfrey Carvell esquyer shal be delivered by myne executors unto my said sonne Sir Henryt Bedingfeld knight within one moneth next ensuing after my decease that is to saye firste in the chamber called the greater chambre a fetherbedd with a boulster. Item a covering of verdoures with armes and a destour of the same with curteyns of grene sarcenet also a hanging of arras two cusshons with armes a cupboard with a carpet theron a coffer and chayer. Item in the chamber called the kings chamber a fetherbedd with a boulster a mattras a payre of fustians a covering of redde and grenes sarenet twilted a testour of tawney and black satten embrowdered with unycornes and skalloppe shelles two cussyns with armes a cupboard with a grene cloth thereon two chaires a carpet in the wyndowe two cobyrons in the chimney. Item in the chambere next the said kings chamber a fetherbedd with a bolster a payre of blankets a covering of tapestrye the hangings in the chamber of redd and yellow canvas and a forme. Item in the inward chamber next unto the chamber called the queene’s chamber a fetherbedd with a bolster a blanket a covering of russet clothe & testour of stayned cloth and a forme. Item in the said chamber called the quenes chambers a fetherbedd with a bolster a payre of blankets a covering a redd sayt with armes and a testour of the same the curteyns of white lynnen clothe a trendle bed with a fetherbedd and a bouslter a blanket a covering a cupborde with the clothe thereupon a clothe of redd saye in the windowe a longe chayr with a clothe therin and other chaior and three chussyons without armes. Item in the plour a hanging of redd saye stayned a cupboarde the longe table and a trussing bed in the chamber of the said plour. Item in the chappell a payer of chalice with the patent the aulter clothes the hangings of whight sarcenet and iiii cusshyns. Item a palle clothe of black velvet with a whight crosse. And I give unto the said Sir Henry one pece of silver pcell gilt wherein is engraven Goddes blessing and the Beddingfeld armes to remayne to hym as an heir lome in such wise as I received the same pece of my said brother Sirt Thomas Bedingfeld. And I bequeathe unto the said Sir Henry my two stoned horses which be bothe rydden and over that I do lidewyse assigne will and bequeath unto the said Sir Henry all and all manner of utensils belonging to my backhouse at Oxborough together with other necessaries occupied and use for the prupose oand intent of baking and brewing whiche at the time of my deathe shall remayne at and within my said backehouse there and also all such utensils berlonging to the kitchen ther as was agreed upon by the said dame Alesborough and me the said Sir Edmunde by mediacon of the said sir John Spelman Sir Roger Townshend knights and Humfrey Carvell esquire. And I give unto the said Sir Henry all myne eyrys of swannes and swanne markes except one coople of old eyrys remaining at Bedingfeld. Item I give and bequeath unto my said sonne Sir Henry all such coles tymber bordes and stone or other thinge appertening to repacons of the house of Oxborough that shall remayne at Oxborough at the tyme of my death. All which said bequests and legacies I will shall envre and remayne unto the said Sir Henry only upon condicon that the same Sir Henry nor his executours shall not at anye time hereafter clayme of my executours or the executours of them any parcel of the said some of one hundred poundes before assigned willed and bequeathed unto hym by the testament and last will of the said Henry Lord Marny. And I give and bequeath unto my grande childe Fraunes Sulyarde daughter of John Sulyarde esquire one hundred markes of good and lawfull English money to be paid to her at the daye of her marriage or ells at the age of xxi yeres foreseen always that yf the said Fraunces do dye before marriage had and before she shall atteyne unto the age of xxi yeres that then the said hundread mark to be divided by even porcons between my youngest sonnes then lyvunge. And I give and bequeathe unto my said wife dame Grace all and almanner my howsehold stuffe and other necessarie implements together with my utensils of husbandrie now remaining as well at Osborough as at Redelingfeld not before assigned willed or bequeathed to my said sonne Sir Henry Bedingfeld to do therewith her will and pleasure. Ane I hartilie desire and require my said wife to give unto my servnte John Turnor fourtie shillings by yere during his life and if it shall happen my said widf to dye the said John then lyvinge then I will myne executours shall from thenforthe yerely content and pay unto the said John Turnor fourtie shillings durubge his natural leif. And I will and bequeath to the children of my said sonne Sir Henry Bedingfeld now lyvinge one hundredde poundes of good and lawfull Englishe money to be equally devided amongst theym and to be payde to them at their several ages of xxi yeres or ells at such days as they and every of them shall happen to be married. And I giveto the children of my sonne Frannces Bedingfeld fowerscore pounds of good and lawfull English money to be equally divided amonge them and to be payde to them in such sorte and at such tymes as in the article last before mentioned is declared and specified. Also I give and bequeathe to the children of my sonne Anthony Bedingfeld threescore poundes of good and lawfull English money equally to be divided emong them and to be paid to them in like manner and tyme, Provided always and my will ys that yf it shall happen any of the children of my said sonnes Sir Henry Frannces and Anthony to dye before marriage had and before their several ages of xxi yeres then I will that the porcon or porcons of such and so many of their children Anthony Humpfrey and Edmude if they then do lyve of ells to as many of them as then shall be lyving to their further advancement and relief. And further I give and bequeathe unto my said wife dame Grace all my pullery and swine together with all my corne and hay remaining aswell at Redingfeld as at Oxborough at the tyme of my deathe and also all myne interest and terme of yeres whiche I have in the parsonage and tithe corne of Hoxne in sayde the countie of Suff.. Also I give unto ,my sonnes Anthony Humfrey & Edmund to eche of them fourtie poundes of good and lawfull English moneyj my debts being first paide. Provided always that yf the said Anthony Humfrey or Edmunde do dye within six yeres next after my decease then I will that the procion or porcions of suche of them so dyinge shalbe equally divided between my said younger sonnes then lyving. And I give and bequeath to Margaret the wife of Thomas Parke otherwise called Thomas Tailor my servant to be delivered unto her within sixe wekes after my death twentie ewe sheep nowe going in Westhallflocke in Claye. And I give unto Adam Roberts my servant vj pounds xiii shillings iiij pencebesides his quarters waiges and lyverie. And I give and bequeathe unto Edmunde Grymston William Shuldham John Brooke William Dey Robert Nollothe Robert Coke John Hewer Thomas Spicer Simon Bedall Robert Clarke and Robert Barwicke to every of them besides their quarters wages and their lyveries fourtie shillings of good and lawfull English money. And in lyke manner I give and bequeathe unto Edmunde Grene Robert Jerves Thomas Caton Thomas Parke John Turnor Henry Raydon Thomas Stock Henry Jubye Edmunde Roberds Danyell Elsagood Thomas Laycocke John Eyslingham Willyam Skoldmodge Edwarde Hostler Robert Turnepenny Humfrey Shuldeham Henry Spencer John Cooke and Thomas Hewer my servants to eny of them besides their quarters wages and their lyveries twentie shillings. Item I give to evfery one of myne other servants besides their quarters wages and their lyveries tenne shillings. And I give to Margarett Pepper fortie shillings. And I give unto the right worshipfull and right so myne assured good brother and frende Sir Roger Townshend Knight The residue of my goodes cattalls and debts not before assigned willed or bequeathed I freestyle give them and every of them to myne executourswhom I ordain constitute and make my welbeloved wife dame Grace Bedingfeld my sonne Anthony Bedingfeld and Thomas Caton my servant to every of whiche I give for their paynes to be taken in and about the execution and performance of this my testament tenne poundes and their reasonable costs. And furthermore I the said Sir Edmunde Bedingfeld do revocate adnull ahd adhychilate all other wills and testament by me made devised or ordeyned before the daye of the date of this my pnte last will and testament. Theis witnesses per Edmude Bedingfeld.2
Edmund departed this life before 2 November 1553 in Oxborough, County Norfolk, England. His will was probated on 2 November 1553. An Inquisition Post Mortem took place in 1554.
Family | Grace Marney b. c 1487 |
Children |