John Vowell alias Hooker1,2

M, d. 1493
FatherJohn Vowell alias Hooker
MotherMargery Bolter
     John was born in Exeter, Devonshire, England.3 John married Alice (?) in Exeter, Devonshire, England.4,5 John's wife, Alice, died in Exeter, Devonshire, England, leaving him a widower. John married 2nd Alice Drewel, daughter of Richard Drewel and Joan Kelly, in Exeter, Devonshire, England.4,6,7 He was mayor of Exeter in 1490 and a member of Parliament 5 times during the reigns of Edward IV [1461-1483], Richard III[1483-1485], and Henry VII[1485-1509].8 John departed this life in 1493 in Exeter, Devonshire, England.9 Many of John's children died at a young age from epidemics of the plague and other diseases often caused by the horendous sanitation of the day, especially in large cities like Exeter. It is said that his son Robert was the only child to survive him and thus became his heir.

Family 1

Alice (?)

Family 2

Alice Drewel


  1. [S1370] Philip Bruce Secor, Richard Hooker: Prophet of Anglicanism, Pages 1-2 - The Hookers had come to Devonshire in southwest England from Wales in the fourteenth century to settle in and around the already ancient town of Exeter. They were descended from Gevaph Vowell of Pembroke in southern Wales. Gevaph's son Jago, married Alice Hooker, a wealthy heiress from Hampshire, in the fourteenth century. Thereaftrer, his male heirs, fancying the English name of Hooker, variously styled themselves Vowells, Vowell, alias Hoker or Hooker.
    The Vowell (Hooker)men were prominent in the life of Devon for nearly all of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Richard's [Richard the Anglicism Prophet] great grandfather, John Vowell, was mayor to Exeter in 1490-91 and five times a member of Parliament. His grandfather, Robert Vowell, was the youngest of twenty children but survived them all to inherit the family fortune. Robert was a member of the ruling oligarcy (“the 24”) and was named the first magistrate of the city in 1529. His son, Richard's uncle John, was the most famous Hooker of all, until posterity placed the mantle upon Richard.
    Grandfather Robert, along with his third wife and their first son, Anthony, died in a devastating plague that swept through the region in 1537. The seven remaining children were John, only about thirteen at the time, Roger (Richard's father) and five girls: Anne, Sydwell, Mary, Alice, and Julianna.
  2. [S1379] Samuel Smith Travers, A collection of pedigrees of the family of Travers, page 28 - John Hoker was of a worshipful house and parentage, and represented the city in parliament during the several reigns of Edw. IV, Richard III, and Hen. VII. As a magistrate, he was distinguished for probity [NOTE: complete and confirmed integrity; having strong moral principles - KLM] learning, and diligence; as a Christian and citizen, he was exemplary for good conduct and abundant charities. He was elected into civic chair in 1490, and died three years after.
  3. [S1367] Mary Tacher Rosemary Washburn, Ancestry of William Howard Taft, page 41.
  4. [S1365] Thomas Westcote, A View of Devonshire in MDCXXX: With a Pedigree of Most of Its Gentry, page 526 - Pedigree of Vowel alias Hooker.
  5. [S1370] Philip Bruce Secor, Richard Hooker: Prophet of Anglicanism, page xxii - (wealthy widow Druetts Kelleys Wilfords).
  6. [S1366] L. S. Woodger, The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1386-1421, b. by 1466, yr. s. of John Hooker alias Vowell of Exeter by 2nd w. Agnes, da. of Richard Drewell of Exeter.
  7. [S1370] Philip Bruce Secor, Richard Hooker: Prophet of Anglicanism, page xxii - (wealthy heiress).
  8. [S1369] Samuel Lewis & John Nelson, The history and topography of the parish of Saint Mary, Islington, page 136.
  9. [S1367] Mary Tacher Rosemary Washburn, Ancestry of William Howard Taft, page 40.