John Paine1

     John was born. John married Jemima Alsop in New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut. John departed this life in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York.

Important Notes: Many researchers have noted Mary & Lydia Paine's parents as John Paine & Jemima Alsop. John Paine [ca. 1653-1707] was the son of Peter Pain & Mary Folger. He married 2nd 24 March 1692 in New Havn, Connecticut Jemima Alsop. Jemima Alsop [2/10/1670-12/25/1713] was the daughter of Joseph Alsop & Elizabeth Preston. The will of this John Paine dated 3 February 1707 does not name a daughter, Lydia & his daughter, Mary, is the wife of Abraham Corey. His sons, John & Alsop, were too young for one of them to be the father of the sisters Lydia Paine Salmon & Mary Pain Vail.
These Paines are from the Southold branch of the family. After studying as many from this family as we could find, it is our opinion that these two sisters are most likely the great grand daughter of Peter Paine & Mary Folger. Besides having a son John, they had a son Peter; this Peter was married to an Abigail and on the 1686 tax list, there was two males and three females. This showing that Peter most likely had a son. Peter dies in 1696 and his widow Abigail appears on the 1698 census with two daughters, Abigail and Mary. Unfortunately, we can find nothing of the possible son living with them in 1686. Presently, we feel he is the most likely choice for the father of Mary & Lydia Paine. More research needs to be done.2


Jemima Alsop


  1. [S1492] H. M. Paine, Southold Branch of the Paine Family

    , pages 14-15.
  2. [S506] Note: Paine, John - 1707/1707
    Abstracts of Wills Vol II 1708-1728
    Pg 410
    Will of John Paine, of the town of Southold, in Suffolk County, mariner, being sick. "My executors are to sell the east part of my home lot where I now live, with the new house on it, with a line to run from the north end of my lot to the street;" Also my Second lot of land lying near the inlet, being 50 acres, and 15 acres lying at ye Greate Swamp, and 36 acres lying on the north side of the town Purchase of Lieutenant Griffing, Captain Herbert, and Thomas Gilbert; Also my sloop and my negro slaves, and two cows and 30 sheep.
    I leave to my wife Jemima all household stuff, and all my houses and lands not above disposed of (except my land in Hog Neck, and my two lots of Commonage) during her widowhood.
    I leave to my son, Alsupp Paine, all my land in New Haven, Connecticutt. I leave to my son, John Paine, all my houses and lands in Southold except as above, after my wife's decease. I leave to my son, Peter Paine, one lot of Commonage in Southold, and another lot of Commonage to my daughter, Mary Corey. I leave to my daughter, Martha Case, all my land and meadow on Hog Neck. I appoint my wife Jemima and my two sons in law, Abraham Corey and Henry Case, Jr., executors.
     Dated February 3, 1706/7. Witnesses, Nathan Landon, Jeremiah Vail.
     Proved at Court of Common Pleas, October 3, 1707.