This is a website designed for the sharing of family history and genealogical research which we have been working on for almost 30 years.

The Who We Are button above will give a more detailed description and explanation of our work and our hopes for the research we are sharing.

The Projects button will take you to a brief description of each of the projects and in turn link you to the pages of that project.

The Guestbook button allows you to share your thoughts with us, as well as future visitors.

The Links button will give you some information on the programs and people which have made this site possible; as well as some other sites you might find interesting.

Finally, the envelope icon is of course your opportunity to leave us a message, whether about additions, corrections, comments about the site, or requests for more information. We will be glad to hear from you whatever the reason for your message.

Enjoy the site and we hope you find something that will help you in your research.

people have visited our new website since December, 2008.

Content Copyright © Kathy & Larry McCurdy. Site Design by Addis Enterprises.